Recent flooding in southern Alberta directly impacted many of our clients and their families. Many Alberta communities including Calgary and surrounding areas were affected by flooding, with thousands of people being displaced from their homes and many more suffering damage to their homes and businesses.
Red Cross Sets Up Alberta Floods Fund
The Red Cross has set up an Alberta Floods Fund to help people directly affected by the flooding, and has a huge on-the-ground effort devoted to helping Albertan families get back to normal after the disaster. You can donate directly to the Fund online at their website.
The floods affected many Alberta businesses. Blocked access to businesses and job sites meant that many businesses were forced to shut down temporarily or slow down operations significantly.
Patron West Announces Donation Program
From July 1st to August 31st, Patron West will be setting aside fifty dollars per new contract to send to the Alberta Floods Fund to help with the relief efforts. If you lost equipment and need to replace it, we’ll find you the best deals we can for a financing or leasing program. As a finance broker, we have access to a broad network of lenders that can help you finance equipment that other financing sources may not be familiar with.
Banks and Government Help Out Affected Albertan Businesses
The Canadian Banker’s Association posted a notice on its website urging people affected by the flooding to speak to their bank directly to see what kind of payment relief would be available to them. The Alberta government has also posted advice for small businesses with links to resources for financial assistance to aid them in cleaning up after the floods, as well as tax relief. The Canada Revenue Agency has also announced a program designed to offer tax relief to businesses affected by the flooding.
Payment Relief Available For Current Patron West Clients
We are offering payment relief programs customized to each client affected by the floods. If the flooding disrupted your business, simply get in touch with us to find out how we can help you out with a payment relief program customized for your situation. Contact your account representative or our offices for more information.