Cranes are unique in that they not only do a very specific job but they also inspire the people who see them. Cranes dotting any skyline invoke feelings of growth and prosperity. If you want to move up in the world, a crane is the only way to get it done. At Patron West we provide financing for both stationary or truck mounted cranes regardless of size and age. As long as it can be certified and, in the case of large stationary cranes, meet all the required government codes for safety, service and training, Patron West will help you get the job done right.
Full disclosure of rates, terms, residuals, and hidden fees. Contract terms and conditions are up front and honest, with no surprises.
Seasoned professionals will seek to understand your business goals and share insight from our experience working with thousands of businesses over the last 20 years.
We leverage multiple funding sources to balance your immediate and long-term goals, to narrow in on the best fit and the best terms for your business.